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Members are researchers associated with the network and committed to its development and to scientific research related to the network.


The role of members includes participating in and co-managing local experiments and research activities that fall within the scope of the INLD's objectives, committing to enter the data they generate into the network's database, and participating in projects and the joint production of manuscripts with other network members.


Those interested can register as members by filling in the form available on the official INLD website.

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Luciana Gomes Barbosa


Dr Luciana Gomes Barbosa is a PhD in Ecology and an associate professor of Aquatic Ecology at Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil.





She is the founder and Chairperson of International Network on Limnology of Drylands (INLD). She has experience in phytoplankton ecology, aquatic communities and eutrophication in drylands. Her main research interest concentrates on the effects of drought and multiple stressors on the aquatic communities, aiming to predict the resilience of the drylands aquatic ecosystems. Thus, her research interest overlaps with the main aims of the INLD, in the search of patterns and main factors that drive the structure of biological communities in dryland freshwater ecosystems. She published papers in Brazilian and international journals, and she has been acting as guest editor and reviewer of international journals.


Dr. Nickolai Shadrin


Dr Nickolai Shadrin currently is a researcher at Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Russia.



Dr. Shadrin studied biology/hydrobiology at the Leningrad (now St.-Petersburg) State University, Russia and graduated as MS in 1974. ). He received his PhD degree in 1982 at Institute of Biology of the Southern seas, Sevastopol, Russia. He was a head of several international projects. He has published more than 200 research articles in Russian and English.


Carla Olmo


Dr Carla Olmo is PhD in Biodiversity (2016, Universidad de Valencia, Spain) and currently (2022), postdoctoral researcher in GEMA Center- Genomics, Ecology and Environment (Universidad Mayor, Chile)



Her efforts have been focused on the multidisciplinary and integrative study of temporary ponds, from their aquatic biodiversity to a wide range of biotic, abiotic, natural and antrophogenic factors, which have influence in these threatened and neglected aquatic systems. Her investigations encompass population and community ecology, ecotoxicology, resurrection ecology and ecological restoration. Since her PhD (“Zooplankton assemblages in a Mediterranean restored area: patterns and processes of colonization and establishment”) until now, she is devoted of Mediterranean regions. In this way, her last two postdoctoral projects have been developed to study the aquatic metacommunities in Central Chile and Spain (“Aquatic metacommunities in two Mediterranean regions” and “Structuring of metacomunitary networks of zooplankton in temporary Mediterranean ponds”).

Mihir Kulkarni 




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He works on the taxonomic and ecological aspects of the freshwater invertebrate fauna in the Western Ghats. This mega-diverse region faces tremendous anthropogenic pressure and effects of climate change which are accelerating species and habitat loss. Hence, conducting surveys and developing baseline datasets about faunal diversity in inland waters of this region forms one of the main aims of his research. He also tries to create public awareness about the diversity of freshwater invertebrates through popular talks. His is interested in ecological aspects of invertebrate taxa (diversity and distributional patterns), populations (local adaptations, genetics) and communities (meta-communities, β-diversity, food webs) in temporary water bodies (especially pools on rocky outcrops) in addition to taxonomic work. He studies some of these aspects, both in field and in lab using diaptomid copepods and large branchiopods as model organisms.


Dr. Sameer Mukund Padhye


Dr. Sameer Mukund Padhye is a Ph.D. in Zoology




​My research interests include systematics, biodiversity and biogeography of Branchiopoda (Arthropoda: Crustacea) from the Indian subcontinent, biodiversity dynamics and community ecology of some freshwater invertebrates in the Oriental tropics with special reference to eutrophicated water bodies and rock pools.


Dr. Elena Anufriieva


Dr. Nickolai Shadrin currently is a researcher at Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Russia.



She is a head of the Laboratory of extreme ecosystems in the Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (Russia, Sevastopol) and the member of The Board of Directors of The International Society for Salt Lake Research for the 3-year period (2022-2024). She has experience in hypersaline aquatic ecology, taxonomy of Cyclopoida, animal dormant stages, and long-term changes. She published papers in Russian and international journals, and she has been acting as guest editor and reviewer of the different international journals.


Luz Marina Soto


Dr Luz Marina Soto is a Professor in University of Zulia




Her research interests focus on water physicochemistry and the study of bacteria and protozoa in aquatic ecosystems. In particular related to microbial interactions and the production and decomposition of organic matter and its influence on water chemistry in inland aquatic ecosystems. In parallel, she  has also investigated the process of hydrocarbon transformation by the effect of bacterial interactions to achieve biotransformation of hydrocarbons. She  has a long experience as a professor-researcher in universities in Venezuela and Ecuador for more than 30 years. She  has participated in the training of Venezuelan, Colombian and Ecuadorian students.


Carlos López




His research interests emphasize the taxonomy and ecology of zooplankton in inland waters, specifically addressing populations, assemblages, and ecological interactions where predation and the quantity and quality of food are analyzed as modulating factors. At present, he is trying to incorporate molecular tools into his taxonomic projects and considering latency stages of zooplankton, lagoons, wetlands, and other shallow and temporal bodies of water in his taxonomic and ecological studies in Ecuador. He have a long experience as a Professor-Researcher at universities in Venezuela and Ecuador for more than 30 years. He has participated in the training of Venezuelan, Colombian and Ecuadorian students. He participates as a member of the editorial committees of the indexed international scientific journals. He has coordinated national research projects and participated as a collaborator in international ones, in which he has studied lakes and reservoirs in countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador.

Cihelio Alves Amorim 




He has experience in ecology of phytoplankton from freshwater bodies in drylands of Northeast Brazil, ecotoxicology of cyanobacteria, allelopathic and grazing interactions between cyanobacteria and submerged macrophytes and zooplankton. He is working on the monitoring of several reservoirs and lakes in the semiarid region of Northeast Brazil, to predict the main causes and consequences of cyanobacterial blooms. His projects aim to understand what is the relative contribution of eutrophication and climate changes to promote cyanobacterial blooms in shallow and deep lakes. He is also searching for efficient biomanipulation tools to control cyanobacteria, by submerged macrophytes and zooplankton. He published articles in Brazilian and international journals, and he is reviewer of international journals.

Thad Scott

He is a Professor in the Department of Biology and Center for Reservoir and Aquatic Systems Research at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, U.S.A (


He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Limnology, Ecosystem Biogeochemistry, and general Ecology/Evolution. He has mentored over twenty graduate students and postdocs. His research interests involve quantifying biological contributions to nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon cycling in aquatic ecosystems. He and his students often use the principles of ecological stoichiometry to the coupling of material cycling and energy flow in lakes and reservoirs. In particular, his interests involve the balance between reactive N gains and losses in ecosystems through the competing processes of denitrification and N fixation, and how this balance relates to P and C cycling, ecosystem productivity, and the development of harmful cyanobacterial blooms. He often utilizes process-based and empirical models to quantify long-term or large spatial scale process. Dr. Scott currently leads the Aquatic Nitrogen Fixation Research Coordination Network which is working to enhance research synergy and improve collaborative research on N fixation along the freshwater-marine continuum.

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Miriam Steinitz Kannan




Miriam Steinitz Kannan, Regents Professor Emeritus, Northern Kentucky University (NKU), Highland Heights, KY EE.UU. was born in Quito, Ecuador, B.A. Rider University, N.J. (1973); Ph. D. (1979) Ohio State University; NKU Professor (1980-2016); NKU Professor Emeritus (2017-present). Expert in taxonomy of algae, including diatoms. 1. Studies on the history of the El Niño phenomenon using fossil diatoms from lakes in Galapagos and the Ecuadorian continent 2. Algae as indicators of water quality 3. Taxonomy and biogeography of algae, in particular diatoms. 4. Studies of cyanobacteria in collaboration with Ohio drinking water utilities.  Numerous awards and publications.  

Catherine Leigh

Griffith University, Australian Rivers Institute

She has an international reputation for excellence as a quantitative community ecologist, scientific communicator and teacher, and for her research on rivers and reservoirs.


She is passionate about riverine ecosystems and understanding ecological responses to natural and human-induced changes in the environment. Her work incorporates ecosystem, community and food web science to understand biodiversity patterns and dynamics. Cath’s expertise is widely sought by national and international organisations. She is a key participant in the international Intermittent River Biodiversity Synthesis and Analysis Project and previously the Australian National Water Commission’s Low Flows Project. She serves as the Queensland State representative for the Australian Society for Limnology, the peak body for the study of inland waters in Australia. Dr Leigh has authored over 80 publications, including over 25 publically available journal articles among others.

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Manuela Morais




Manuela Morais is Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Biology
Department in the University of Évora, integrated member as the Researcher Institute of Earth Science (ICT:,
and head of the Water Laboratory at the same University, and unit of research and development projects. Her research interest focuses on aquatic ecology, management, and conservation of freshwater ecosystems. She has been working on ecology of benthic invertebrates, periphyton, and phytoplankton, aquatic systems conservation and rehabilitation. She has conducted her research mainly in the south of Portugal, under Mediterranean climate conditions, where intermittent rivers are part of the rivers network and have developed many evolutionary adaptations of species. She is the national coordinator of the “Network of Environmental Studies in Portuguese-Speaking Countries (REALP)”. She is also the leader of the ERASMUS consortium AMIGO (, created to encourage the sharing of knowledge and the consolidation of effective pedagogy strategies, directed to the area of the environment in its interdisciplinary scope.   AMIGO has cooperated with:   Southern Mediterranean (ENI) Algeria, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia; Western Balkans (IPA) – Albania and Montenegro; Latin America (DCI) – Argentina, Brazil; Industrialized countries America – Chile, United States of America; Africa – Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe.

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Her research interests comprise zooplankton diversity studies in inland freshwater and brackish ecosystems as well as coastal water ecosystems; zooplankton taxonomy including integrative taxonomy (morphology, ecology, phylogeny) of zooplankton organisms (rotifers, cladocera, copepoda) as well as biogeographical patterns of zooplankton organisms; zooplankton ecology in lakes, rivers and coastal waters focusing on food-web interactions in Mediterranean ecosystems; the effect of stressors (toxic microorganisms, toxic chemical substances, stressful environmental conditions) on zooplankton organisms; the use of zooplankton in ecological water quality estimation; as well as lake restoration and management. She has participated in 18 national and international projects, and she has contributed more than 35 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 2 book chapters, as well as more than 50 other publications (i.e. conference proceedings, special publications, technical reports, newspaper and magazine articles). Her publications received over 500 citations (h-index=19). She is also a handling Editor of the ‘Journal of Biological Research’ a guest editor in Diversity’s Special Issue ‘Biodiversity of Rotifers’, Water’s Special Issue ‘Taxonomy, Physiology, and Ecology of Aquatic Microorganisms’.

He´s interested in the ecology and phylogeography of West-Palaearctic pond turtles (genera Emys and Mauremys), and in monitoring the allochthonous species occurring in the inland waters of southern Italy and Sicily. Lately, he began investigating some inadequately-known taxonomical groups in central-Mediterranean inland waters, i.e. leeches (Hirudinea) and bivalve molluscs (Mollusca, Bivalvia). He is Associate Editor of the “Journal of Limnology” and “Biogeographia and Handling Editor of the “Journal of Biological Research. He has in charge the Anostraca, Notostraca, and Spinicaudata (Crustacea Branchiopoda) of the Italian fauna in the frame of the projects "Checklist della Fauna Italiana" and PESI (Pan European Species-directories Infrastructure) in the section “Fauna Europaea”.


Thibault Datry

Thibaut´s a senior scientist at IRSTEA (National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture) in Lyon, France. His research focuses on the ecology of rivers and hyporheic zones E-mail:;

His has passion for understanding the effects of natural and anthropogenic changes on community and ecosystem processes at multiple scales and translating it into tools and guidelines for water managers. He is developing international research programs at the global scale. In the past 15 years, he has published over 80 peer-reviewed papers. He serves on editorial boards of two international journals. He currently leads IRBAS (Intermittent River Biodiversity Analysis and Synthesis,, an international research program exploring biodiversity patterns in intermittent rivers at the global scale, and is Chair of SMIRES (Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams), a pluri-disciplinary European research program bringing together > 200 scientists from 29 European countries. He is coordinating with 4 other colleagues the 1000 Intermittent Rivers network.

She is a lecturer and researcher on aquatic ecology, specialised in shallow lakes, temporary and permanent small water bodies and wetlands. She has worked in several international projects involving climate gradients, food webs, nutrients, biodiversity and eutrophication in Europe and South America. She is an active member of the European Pond Conservation Network (EPCN) and the European Chapter of the Society of Wetlands Scientists (SWS), reviewer of some of the top ten aquatic ecological journals, evaluator of international projects and co-organiser of several International Workshops and Conferences. Her current interests include ecology of cyanobacteria and aquatic macrophytes, climate change, applied limnology, women in science as well as, philanthropy and arts.

Bianca Terra

Bianca´s Professor in Federal University of Ceara, Brazil. She work with Freshwater Fish Ecology in streams, rivers, and reservoirs



She has been working on development and adaptation of biotic multimetric indexes, tools for environmental monitoring and conservation policies. Besides, she has experience in Macroecology (during her postdoctoral research at Virginia Commonwealth University -USA, she worked on river discharge modeling latitudinal diversity gradient for fishes), sampling sufficiency and intermittent rivers ecology. Currently, she seeks to understand intermittent river systems under Metacommunity theory views and to develop a biotic multimetric index to be proposed as a monitoring tool for these systems.

Managing director of the Institute of Geosystems and Bioindication, Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany). Paleoclimate reconstruction using lake sediments (Paleoclimate, Paleolimnology, Paleocology, Paleohydrology). Focus research areas: North Germany, Alps, Middle Western USA, Yucatán (Guatemala, Mexico), Altiplano (Chile), Patagonia (Argentina), Balcans (Mazedonie), Tibet (China), Southeastern Vietnam.

His main research is in the ecology of zooplankton (rotifers and microcrustaceans). Jorge Portinho´s research topics of special interest include Dormant stages in freshwater zooplankton, invertebrate ecology, shallow lakes, reservoirs, limnology, and ecotoxicology. Currently, he seeks to understand the effects human activities, like global warming, pesticides dumped into aquatic systems, and eutrophication, on hatching of the zooplankton dormant stages.

Her research focuses on the biodiversity, ecology and conservation of river ecosystems, especially of those in Mediterranean climates, where intermittent rivers are part of the daily landscape. Over the last 15 years, she has published 80+ peer-reviewed papers and several book chapters, and has served on editorial boards of three international journals. She has participated in 20+ funded projects and has supervised several PhD, master and bachelor students. Regarding teaching merits, she has taught 1500+ hours of lectures in Ecology and Zoology at several Spanish universities.

Post doc, Institute of Geosystems and Bioindication, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. Aquatic ecology, limnology, paleolimnology, paleoecology, diatoms and ostracods in lake, estuarine and mangrove sediments and their role as bioindicators, as well as multiple stressors (e.g. heavy metals) and their impacts on aquatic systems. Research areas: Southeast Brazil, Southern Vietnam, Lake Constance.

David´s served as the inaugural Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chair in Lake Restoration, University of Waikato, New Zealand for 15 years (2002-2017) following 12 years at the Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia. Hamilton has begun to initiate projects in south-east Queensland, an area subject to both extreme droughts and floods, where water supply quantity and quality are critically influenced by the alternation of drought and flood.

She has experience in the field of freshwater phytoplankton ecology, mainly ecology of cyanobacteria, acting in coastal lagoons, lakes and supply reservoirs. Currently comes developing projects at Brazilian semi-arid region about The issue of toxic cyanobacterial blooms in the management of water supply reservoirs of semi-arid region and its consequences for public health, and mitigation of eutrophic environments. In 2014 she held a postdoctoral degree at Wageningen University, developing the project "Cyanobaterial blooms in a semi-arid systems: ecology and restoration". In addition, it develops research relating the problems of extreme climatic events, such as severe drought, and impacts on water availability. She published 26 articles in national and international journals and 7 book chapters.

​She has been working on the ecology of aquatic ecosystems, specialized in wetlands planktonic community and the effects of anthropogenic factors on it. Her research has been developed on several research lines centred in the biodiversity lost, seeking the causes associated to human activities, such as the overuse of agrochemicals, climate change or habitats disappearing.  The effect of these factors on cryptic biodiversity is also a fresh and relevant research line. She is also developing sustainability projects and environmental education programs in order to reduce the impacts of agricultural practices on wetlands.

His current research has been focused on the effects of drought on freshwater communities structure of shallow lakes ecosystems. He is particularly interested in assessing how environmental changes (driven by natural or anthropogenic disturbances) might affect biodiversity, the structure of food-webs and functioning of freshwater ecosystems in drylands.

Patrick Rioual

Patrick Rioual is guest professor at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing (China).



He is a researcher who focuses on the ecological responses to paleo-environmental change; the distribution of modern diatoms in relationship with their environment, the monitoring of seasonal and inter-annual diatom succession and on diatom taxonomy. The sites for his research are all types of lakes, freshwater and brackish, shallow and deep, located in Asia and in Europe. Dr Rioual has authored over 70 peer-reviewed publications and he regularly acts as reviewer for some of the top limnological and quaternary journals.

Rafael Marcé

Freshwater ecologist and biogeochemical modeller working at ICRA, Girona, Spain.



His research focuses on carbon cycling, the detection of the effects of global change on fluvial basins and their ecosystem services, the management of water quality in reservoirs, and the fate of emerging pollutants at the basin scale. He has participated in the pioneering experiments on carbon emissions and respiration from the sediments of temporary rivers, ponds, and reservoirs, including some on-going experiments in the 1000IRES project, and leads the DRYFLUX initiative (Greenhouse gas emissions from dry freshwater systems).

Eduardo M. García-Roger

Tenure-track lecturer at the Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat I Biologia Evolutiva (ICBiBE) in the Universitat de València (Spain) where he is teaching lessons of Ecology in both the degrees of Biology and Environmental Sciences.


His research at the Universitat de València is primarily focused on population biology and evolutionary ecology of aquatic organisms, with special emphasis on life-history traits associated to time-varying environments. His research integrates field, laboratory and modelling components. His fieldwork usually comprises the sampling of the active populations and diapausing egg banks of the zooplankton – especially rotifers - inhabiting temporary, endorheic ponds from Central and Eastern Spain.

Collins Ayine Nsor

Faculty of Forest Resources Technology,

Kwame Nkrumah Univ. of Sci & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana



Am an Aquatic ecologist by training. My work entails understanding wetlands ecological dynamics in drylands or Savannah ecosystems, through field observations, experimental simulations, survey and analysis of primary and secondary data, with the ultimate aim of proposing solutions to identified threats. To achieve this aim requires collaboration with other ecologists in this area and sharing of research findings with resource managers and policy makers.
I currently have 13 reviewed publications, with two additional manuscripts under review with the Journal of odonatology and International Journal of River Basin Management.

Jeppe Kolding

Professor at University of Bergen, Norway. Specializing in small-scale fisheries, with a particular interest for African inland fisheries.


Many of the African lakes and reservoirs are found in dryland areas, resulting in conspicuous water level fluctuations and this regular phenomenon seems to be conducive for the fish productivity. Kolding has lived and worked several years in African and has experience from shorter term engagements in more than 25 tropical and sub-tropical countries. Primary research interest is fisheries ecology, harvest strategies and management of small-scale tropical fisheries. He has published more than 100 papers, chapters and technical reports

Sergi Sabater

Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Barcelona (1987). Permanent lecturer at the University of Barcelona’s Department of Ecology from 1991 to 2001, later Full Professor of Ecology at the University of Girona since 2003. Senior researcher and Deputy Director of the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) since 2008.


His research is focused on the ecology of fluvial ecosystems, ecology of river algae and biofilms, the ecotoxicology of biofilms, the metabolism and functioning of fluvial systems, and the effects of global change on fluvial systems. Within these, he is interested in the effects of water scarcity and co-occurring multiple stressors. He has co-edited books and published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers  in international scientific journals, and about 60 other contributions. His H-index is 40. He has taken part in more than 30 research projects both national and international, as well as in more than 20 R&D&i contracts with companies and government departments. To date, he has supervised 15 Ph.D. theses and is involved in the supervision or co-supervision of other 5.

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