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NULIBAC research group (Paraiba, Brazil)


Dr Luciana Barbosa, Head of the Laboratory 


The main aim of the research group is studying aspects of the temporary ecosystems from the perspective of "space for time". Between main aspects,  effects of drought and multiple stressors such as salinity and eutrophication on the resilience of the temporary systems and aquatic communities.


Currently, the main activities are developed in shallow and small temporary ecosystems such as rock pools, lakes and rivers (mainly lentic phases). 


Main research lines

i. Biodiversity, structure and function of the lentic ecosystems in the drylands regions

Keywords: Functional Ecology; Functional Redundancy; Cyanobacteria blooms; catastrophic shifts; second‐order effects on biodiversity.


ii. Trophic interactions and relationship stability- diversity in temporary shallow ecosystems

Keywords: Functional Ecology; Functional Redundancy; Metacommunities; Second‐order effects on biodiversity.


iii. Water and sediment Chemistry: multiple stressors

Keywords: Resilience; Eutrophication; salinity and Water level fluctuation; “space for time approach”; experimental approach

Brazilian Rock Pools
Dr Luciana Barbosa, Head of the Lab
Team effort
Associated students and researchers
Rafael Machado, Master Soil Science
Associated Students
Jakeline Medeiros,Student of Biology
Join our team!

International Network on Limnology of Drylands. All rights reserved

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